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Blog entries and tutorials exploring my process as an artist, various influences, and silly things I want to talk about or share. Some entries may have unique formatting that is not ideal for mobile.

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Organize Yourself

6.7.2024 // #tutorial
Systems and tips for keeping large amounts of files organized (plus a bonus section for my fellow #tagheads).

Twenty Twenty Four

6.7.2024 // #life updates
Hello from your humble webmaster. There's a cat picture if you're into that.

Moving to the Lab

5.7.2023 // #life updates, #website
I talk for several paragraphs about why I updated my website.

Checkerboard Tutorial

1.30.2023 // #tutorial
Learn to do a nice clean checkerboard pattern using layers and selection tools. This got a Daily Deviation, yay!

State of the Union

12.16.2022 // #other
I like complaining about technology if you can't tell.